Kennedy Hill
Undergraduate Intern
Three words that we think describes Kennedy:
Gumption – Curiosity – Warm Vibes
“She wonders whether what comes next could ever live up to the expectations. She doesn’t know. You never can. She turns the page anyway.” ― Emily Henry, Book Lovers
Kennedy, what will you be doing in the practice?
My interest in mental health has been a constant for me. I am passionate about helping people get the help they need and finding a psychologist to give them that help!
Kennedy is our go-to content creator and more! Most of the written work you see going forward, will be Kennedy’s creation. She brings a fresh perspective and creative eye to what we share with you!
What are your qualifications?
I am a Senior at Pace University majoring in Applied Psychology & Human relations and minoring in sports psychology.
What are you like outside of therapy?
I am a huge reader and will read any book by Emily Henry.
I have a dog named Oreo, a black and white lab and pointer mixed!
I love football and baseball! My teams are the Philadelphia Eagles and the Phillies.